Free Streaming Apollo 18 in Good Video Format.
Now you can Play full Apollo 18 in Good Video Format with duration 86 Min and has been aired on 2011-07-20 and MPAA rating is 113.Film summary of Apollo 18 :
Best Apollo 18 in High Definition Format with film summary "Officially, Apollo 17 was the last manned mission to the moon. But a year later in 1973, two American astronauts were sent on a secret mission to the moon funded by the US Department of Defense. What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission. While NASA denies it's authenticity, others say it's the real reason we've never gone back to the moon." in Best Video Format. Learn to Apollo 18 in Good Video Format
- Original Title : Apollo 18
- Movie title in your country : Apollo 18
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie : Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-07-20
- Companies of movie : Bazelevs Production, Dimension Films, Bekmambetov Projects Ltd.,
- Countries of movie : Canada, United States of America,
- Language of movie : Český, English,
- Duration of movie : 86 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5
- Youtube ID of movie : 4RGhKzUUaME
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,RU,PT,DE,TR,SV,FI,NL,ZH,HU,ES,PL,DA,EL,CS,
- Actors of movie :Ryan Robbins (Lt. Col. John Grey), Warren Christie (Capt. Benjamin Anderson), Lloyd Owen (Cdr. Nathan Walker), Andrew Airlie (Mission Control), Michael Kopsa (Deputy Secretary of Defense), Ali Liebert (Nate's Girlfriend), Kurt Max Runte (Lab Tech), Kim Wylie (Laura Anderson), Noah Wylie (Ryan Anderson), Erica Carroll (John's Fiancée), Jan Bos (Lab Tech)
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Producer : Michele Wolkoff, Music : Harry Cohen, Director of Photography : José David Montero, Editor : Patrick Lussier, Production Design : Andrew Neskoromny, Art Direction : Peter Bodnarus, Art Direction : Tyler Bishop Harron, Set Decoration : Erik Gerlund, Set Decoration : Oliver Zentner, Costume Design : Kate Main, Costume Design : Cynthia Ann Summers, Costume Design : Beverley Wowchuk, Casting : Robin D. Cook, Casting : Jenny Jue, Casting : Avy Kaufman, Casting : Johanna Ray, Casting : Jennifer Rudnicke, Casting : Maureen Webb, Director : Gonzalo López-Gallego, Producer : Timur Bekmambetov, Screenplay : Brian Miller, Production Manager : Jamie Goehring, Scenic Artist : Martine Bilodeau, Construction Coordinator : Jesse Joslin, Property Master : Valentine Pavuls, Sculptor : Bradly Visser, Sculptor : Bruce Van Slyke, Sculptor : John Pesklewis, Assistant Art Director : Andy Amoroso, Supervising Sound Editor : Wylie Stateman, Sound Designer : Wylie Stateman, Sound Recordist : Jeff Wright, Dialogue Editor : John C. Stuver, Foley : Gary A. Hecker, Foley : Katherine Rose, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Onnalee Blank, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Bill Mellow, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Iain Pattison, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Paul A. Sharpe, Sound Designer : Harry Cohen, Visual Effects Producer : Pauline Burns, Visual Effects Producer : Sergei V. Kuzmin, Visual Effects Editor : Matt Tassone, Visual Effects Supervisor : Shawn Walsh, Visual Effects Supervisor : Dennis Sedov, Visual Effects Supervisor : Terry Hutcheson, Stunt Coordinator : Scott J. Ateah, Stunt Coordinator : James Bamford, Stunt Coordinator : Randy Lee, Camera Operator : David Bercovici-Artieda, Gaffer : Darren McLean, Still Photographer : Chris Helcermanas-Benge, Still Photographer : Diyah Pera, Still Photographer : Eike Schroter, Best Boy Electric : Len Wolfe, Best Boy Electric : Steve McLean, Best Boy Electric : John Helme, Set Costumer : Kai Siperko, Digital Intermediate : Jay Harada, Music Editor : Meagan Carsience, Music Editor : Hal Beckett, Transportation Coordinator : Brian Whitlock, Dialect Coach : Lisa Ann Beley, Script Supervisor : Laura Collini, Script Supervisor : Danielle de Smit, Chef : Pascal Dagorne, Chef : Mike McDevitt, Chef : Hamish Miller, Script Supervisor : Nancy Joy McDonald, Dialect Coach : Elizabeth McLaughlin, Chef : Maureen Sugrue, Location Manager : Philip A. Pacaud, Post Production Supervisor : Koah Kruse, Post Production Supervisor : Jonathan Shore
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