Apply Planet of the Apes in Best Look.
Now you can Look Planet of the Apes in Best Look with duration 112 Min and was released on 1968-02-07 with MPAA rating is 235.Streaming movie with title Planet of the Apes full and free movie streaming in Good Quality. Play full with title Planet of the Apes free an fun at here. Today, you are able to see that hundreds 1000s of people searching for free Planet of the Apes movie and watch it on their sweat home with web connection. Be happy, you can easily reach hundreds of thousands of happy members who became fed up with waiting regarding dvds inside the mail, and it's simple to watch free of charge Planet of the Apes. You may get new on-line movie, and acquire it without cost in your site. It truly is fast, uncomplicated, free and additionally to try out. Enjoy now Planet of the Apes on the web movie without downloading. you can watch online video streaming inside HD quality in 112 Min length. Check out trailer movie and in addition full movie of Planet of the Apes browse to watch these movie.
- Original Title : Planet of the Apes
- Movie title in your country : Planet of the Apes
- Year of movie : 1968
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Mystery, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1968-02-07
- Companies of movie : Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, APJAC Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 112 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7
- Youtube ID of movie : VjcpRHuPjOI
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,UK,FR,ES,PT,IT,NL,TR,RU,ZH,ZH,ZH,PL,SV,HU,CS,EL,KO,HE,CA,JA,RO,
- Actors of movie :Charlton Heston (George Taylor), Roddy McDowall (Cornelius), Kim Hunter (Zira), Maurice Evans (Dr. Zaius), James Daly (Dr. Honorious), Linda Harrison (Nova), Robert Gunner (Landon), Lou Wagner (Lucius), Woodrow Parfrey (Dr. Maximus), Jeff Burton (Dodge), James Whitmore (President of the Assembly), Buck Kartalian (Julius), Norman Burton (Hunt Leader), Wright King (Dr. Galen), Paul Lambert (Minister)
Movie plot of Planet of the Apes :
Top Planet of the Apes in Best Look with film plot "Taylor and two other astronauts come out of deep hibernation to find that their ship has crashed. Escaping with little more than clothes they find that they have landed on a planet where men are pre-lingual and uncivilized while apes have learned speech and technology. Taylor is captured and taken to the city of the apes after damaging his throat so that he is silent and cannot communicate with the apes." in Good Video Format. Release Planet of the Apes in Top Video Format
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Director : Franklin J. Schaffner, Author : Michael Wilson, Author : Rod Serling, Producer : Arthur P. Jacobs, Original Music Composer : Jerry Goldsmith, Director of Photography : Leon Shamroy, Editor : Hugh S. Fowler, Casting : Joe Scully, Novel : Pierre Boulle
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