Learn to Extraterrestrial in Best Video Format.
Now you can Watch full Extraterrestrial in High Quality Video with duration 101 Min and has been aired on 2014-10-17 with MPAA rating is 48.- Original Title : Extraterrestrial
- Movie title in your country : Extraterrestrial
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Horror, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-10-17
- Companies of movie : Cargo Entertainment, Twin Engine Films, Pink Buffalo Films, Abduction Films, Manis Film, Vicarious Entertainment,
- Countries of movie : Canada,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 101 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.3
- Youtube ID of movie : fNFBq1qf3m8
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,HU,RU,NL,FR,DE,EL,PT,CS,ZH,
- Actors of movie :Brittany Allen (April), Melanie Papalia (Melanie), Jesse Moss (Seth), Anja Savcic (Lex), Sean Rogerson (Deputy Mitchell), Emily Perkins (Nancy), Mike Kovac (Clerk), Ian Brown (Farmer), Fred Keating (Mike), Michael Ironside (Travis), Freddie Stroma (Kyle)
Movie synopsis of Extraterrestrial :
Top Extraterrestrial in Best Quality with movie summary "Five friends set out to a cabin in the woods for a fun weekend getaway—that is, until extraterrestrial visitors turn it into a fight for their lives. The group is pulled from their reverie when a flickering object crashes deep in the woods. As they investigate, the friends stumble across an alien spacecraft, and its inhabitants have not arrived in peace." in Top Quality. Top Extraterrestrial in HD Quality
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Director : Colin Minihan, Producer : Shawn Angelski, Writer : Colin Minihan, Writer : Stuart Ortiz, Producer : Martin Fisher, Director of Photography : Samy Inayeh, Editor : Colin Minihan, Editor : Stuart Ortiz, Casting : Tiffany Mak, Production Design : Scott Moulton, Art Direction : Andrew Rogers, Hairstylist : Jennifer Kaminski, Set Decoration : Janessa Hitsman, Makeup Department Head : Kari Anderson, Property Master : Ivan Lyttek, Construction Coordinator : Baron Shaver, ADR & Dubbing : Stephen Cheung, Dialogue Editor : Stephen Cheung, Sound Designer : Miguel Nunes, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Gord Hillier, Stunt Coordinator : Gavin Buhr, Steadicam Operator : Lohengrin Zapiain, Picture Car Coordinator : Derek Keillor
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