Best The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations in Best Quality.
Now you can Play full The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations in HD Video with duration 90 Min and was released on 2009-01-09 and MPAA rating is 42.- Original Title : The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations
- Movie title in your country : The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations
- Year of movie : 2009
- Genres of movie : Crime, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2009-01-09
- Companies of movie : After Dark Films, BenderSpink, FilmEngine,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 90 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.8
- Youtube ID of movie : 4aamMJ_8qZ4
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,NL,TR,FR,RU,PL,ZH,PT,HU,ES,SV,DA,EL,HE,RO,FI,
- Cast of film :Chris Carmack (Sam Reide), Rachel Miner (Jenna Reide), Melissa Jones (Vicki), Kevin Yon (Harry Goldburg), Lynch R. Travis (Detective Dan Glenn), Sarah Habel (Elizabeth Brown), Mia Serafino (Rebecca Brown), Chantel Giacalone (Anita Barnes), Hugh Maguire (Detective Jack Nicholas), Richard Wilkinson (Lonnie Flennons), Michael Ellison (Anita's Boyfriend), Linda Boston (Landlady), Ulysses Hernandez (Paco), Michael Paul Place (Young Sam), Catherine Towne (Young Jenna)
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Film synopsis of The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations :
Apply The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations in High Definition Format with film plot "The story revolves around a man trying to uncover the mysterious death of his girlfriend and save an innocent man from the death chamber in the process, by using his unique power to time travel. However in attempting to do this, he also frees a spiteful serial-killer." in HD Format. Top The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations in Best Quality
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Director : Seth Grossman, Writer : Holly Brix, Producer : A.J. Dix, Producer : J.C. Spink, Producer : Brendan Ferguson, Producer : Lucy Mukerjee-Brown, Producer : Scott Watson, Executive Producer : Stephanie Caleb, Executive Producer : Laura Ivey, Executive Producer : Rob Merilees, Executive Producer : Ross Mrazek, Executive Producer : Warren Nimchuk, Executive Producer : Benjamin Rappaport, Executive Producer : Courtney Solomon, Original Music Composer : Adam Balazs, Cinematography : Dan Stoloff, Editor : Ed Marx, Casting : Kathy Mooney, Casting : Janet Pound, Production Design : Patrick Banister
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