Watch Movie Creature from the Black Lagoon Full Film HD.
Play Film Creature from the Black Lagoon Full Movie with duration 79 Min and broadcast on 1954-03-05 plus MPAA rating is 17.Creature from the Black Lagoon Watch Movie free movie streaming full movie in HD without downloading, Watch Movie Creature from the Black Lagoon Full online movie streaming free and fun Creature from the Black Lagoon Free Movie Stream only here Today, we can see that hundreds thousands of people looking for free Creature from the Black Lagoon and watch it on their sweat house with internet connection. Be happy, you can reach hundreds of thousands of satisfied members who became tired of waiting for DVDs in the mail, and now you can watch for free Creature from the Black Lagoon Film, get some free new movie online free watch and found new film new releases and the hottest classics on our site. It is fast. It is easy. And best of all, it is free to try
- Original Title : Creature from the Black Lagoon
- Movie title in your country : Creature from the Black Lagoon
- Year of movie : 1954
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1954-03-05
- Companies of movie : Universal International Pictures (UI),
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 79 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.8
- Youtube ID of movie : lM1o1xe5FGE
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,IT,FR,ES,ZH,EL,PT,
- Actors of movie :Richard Carlson (David Reed), Julie Adams (Kay Lawrence), Richard Denning (Mark Williams), Antonio Moreno (Carl Maia), Nestor Paiva (Captain Lucas), Whit Bissell (Dr. Edwin Thompson), Bernie Gozier (Zako), Henry A. Escalante (Chico)
Film summary of Creature from the Black Lagoon :
Watch full Creature from the Black Lagoon in Best Look with movie summary "A scientific expedition searching for fossils along the Amazon River discover a prehistoric Gill-Man in the legendary Black Lagoon. The explorers capture the mysterious creature, but it breaks free. The Gill-Man returns to kidnap the lovely Kay, fiancée of one of the expedition, with whom it has fallen in love." in High Definition Format. Best Creature from the Black Lagoon in Best Look
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Director : Jack Arnold, Screenplay : Harry Essex, Screenplay : Arthur A. Ross, Producer : William Alland, Original Music Composer : Henry Mancini, Original Music Composer : Hans J. Salter, Original Music Composer : Herman Stein, Director of Photography : William E. Snyder, Editor : Ted J. Kent
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