Watch full Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain in Top Video Format.
Now you can Enjoy Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain in Best Quality with duration 50 Min and was released on 2013-06-22 with MPAA rating is 18.- Original Title : 攻殻機動隊 ARISE border:1 Ghost Pain
- Movie title in your country : Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain
- Year of movie : 2013
- Genres of movie : Action, Animation, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2013-06-22
- Companies of movie : Kodansha, Bandai Visual Company, Production I.G., Toho Company,
- Countries of movie : Japan,
- Language of movie : Italiano, 日本語,
- Duration of movie : 50 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.9
- Youtube ID of movie : eb1c-T-ox-E
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,FR,JA,CS,PT,RU,NL,ZH,DE,IT,
- Cast of movie :Maaya Sakamoto (Motoko Kusunagi (2013)), Ikkyuu Juku (Daisuke Aramaki), Kenichirou Matsuda (Batou), Kazuya Nakai (Borma), Shunsuke Sakuya (Ishikawa), Tomoyuki Dan (Ishikawa), Youji Ueda (Paz), Takurou Nakakuni (Saito), Tarusuke Shingaki (Togusa), Miyuki Sawashiro (Logicoma), Kenji Nojima (Tsumugi)
Film synopsis of Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain :
Good Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain in Best Quality with movie synopsis "The story is set in 2027, one year after the end of the fourth non-nuclear war. New Port City is still reeling from the war's aftermath when it suffers a bombing caused by a self-propelled mine. Then, a military member implicated in arms-dealing bribes is gunned down. During the investigation, Public Security Section's Daisuke Aramaki encounters Motoko Kusanagi, the cyborg, wizard-level hacker assigned to the military's 501st Secret Unit. Batou, a man with the "eye that does not sleep," suspects that Kusanagi is the one behind the bombing. The Niihama Prefectural Police detective Togusa is pursuing his own dual cases of the shooting death and a prostitute's murder. Motoko herself is being watched by the 501st Secret Unit's head Kurutsu and cyborg agents." in Good Quality. Full Length of Ghost in the Shell Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain in HD Video
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Director : Masahiko Murata, Director : Kazuchika Kise, Compositors : Tow Ubukata, Screenplay : Tow Ubukata, Storyboard : Masahiko Murata, Creator : Masamune Shirow
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