Watch full Dreamscape in Best Quality.
Now you can See Dreamscape in HD Format with duration 99 Min and has been aired on 1984-08-15 plus MPAA rating is 9.- Original Title : Dreamscape
- Movie title in your country : Dreamscape
- Year of movie : 1984
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1984-08-15
- Companies of movie : Weintraub Entertainment Group, Zupnik-Curtis Enterprises, Chevy Chase Films,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 99 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie : nRYp3LPL0bc
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,FR,DE,RU,SV,PT,ES,
- Actors of movie :Dennis Quaid (Alex Gardner), Max von Sydow (Doctor Paul Novotny), Christopher Plummer (Bob Blair), Eddie Albert (The President), Kate Capshaw (Jane DeVries), David Patrick Kelly (Tommy Ray Glatman), George Wendt (Charlie Prince), Larry Gelman (Mr. Webber), Cory 'Bumper' Yothers (Buddy), Redmond Gleeson (Snead), Peter Jason (Babcock), Chris Mulkey (Finch), Jana Taylor (Mrs. Webber)
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Movie summary of Dreamscape :
Free Dreamscape in Best Quality with film plot "A government funded project looks into using psychics to enter people's dreams, with some mechanical help. When a subject dies in his sleep from a heart attack Alex Gardner becomes suspicious that another of the psychics is killing people in the dreams somehow and that is causing them to die in real life. He must find a way to stop the abuse of the power to enter dreams." in HD Format. Free Streaming Dreamscape in Top Quality
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Director : Joseph Ruben, Story : David Loughery, Producer : Bruce Cohn Curtis, Screenplay : David Loughery, Screenplay : Chuck Russell, Screenplay : Joseph Ruben, Co-Producer : Jerry Tokofsky, Associate Producer : Chuck Russell, Executive Producer : Stanley R. Zupnik, Executive Producer : Tom Curtis, Original Music Composer : Maurice Jarre, Director of Photography : Brian Tufano, Editor : Richard Halsey, Casting : Johanna Ray, Makeup Effects : Greg Cannom, Makeup Effects : David B. Miller, Makeup Effects : Craig Reardon, Costume Design : Linda M. Bass
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