Apply Trancers in Top Video Format.
Now you can Play full Trancers in Top Video Format with duration 79 Min and was released on 1985-03-01 with MPAA rating is 8.- Original Title : Trancers
- Movie title in your country : Trancers
- Year of movie : 1985
- Genres of movie : Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1985-03-01
- Companies of movie : Empire Pictures, # Lexyn Productions, Lexyn Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 79 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.3
- Youtube ID of movie : eg7OPwASvE8
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,HU,RU,FR,
- Actors of movie :Tim Thomerson (Trooper Jack Deth), Helen Hunt (Leena), Biff Manard (Hap Ashby), Michael Stefani (Martin Whistler / Detective Weisling), Art LaFleur (McNulty), Telma Hopkins (Ruth Raines), Richard Herd (Chairman Specer), Anne Seymour (Chairman Ashe), Miguel Fernandes (Officer Lopez)
Movie synopsis of Trancers :
Free Streaming Trancers in Good Video Format with movie plot "Angel City trooper Jack Deth is sent back in time from 2247 to 1985 L.A. to inhabit the body of his ancestor. Deth's assignment is to find his archenemy, Whistler, who turns people into zombies, before the fiend is able to kill all the ancestors of the future's governing council." in Top Quality. Review full Trancers in High Definition Format
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Director : Charles Band, Producer : Charles Band, Director of Photography : Mac Ahlberg, Editor : Ted Nicolaou, Writer : Danny Bilson, Writer : Paul De Meo, Original Music Composer : Phil Davies, Original Music Composer : Mark Ryder, Production Design : Jeff Staggs
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