Play full The Man from Earth in Top Video Format.
Now you can See The Man from Earth in Good Video Format with duration 87 Min and was published in 2007-06-10 and MPAA rating is 193.- Original Title : The Man from Earth
- Movie title in your country : The Man from Earth
- Year of movie : 2007
- Genres of movie : Drama, Fantasy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2007-06-10
- Companies of movie : Falling Sky Entertainment,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 87 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.8
- Youtube ID of movie : 9mOIxyRTY5I
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,HU,FR,RU,ZH,PT,IT,ES,PL,TH,CS,TR,EL,SV,KO,NL,
- Cast of film :David Lee Smith (John Oldman), Tony Todd (Dan), John Billingsley (Harry), Ellen Crawford (Edith), Annika Peterson (Sandy), Alexis Thorpe (Linda Murphy), William Katt (Art), Richard Riehle (Dr. Will Gruber), Steven Littles (Moving Man #1), Chase Sprague (Moving Man #2), Robbie Bryan (Officer)
Film synopsis of The Man from Earth :
Amazing The Man from Earth in High Quality Video with movie summary "An impromptu goodbye party for Professor John Oldman becomes a mysterious interrogation after the retiring scholar reveals to his colleagues he never ages and has walked the earth for 14,000 years." in HD Format. Best The Man from Earth in High Definition Format
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Director : Richard Schenkman, Writer : Jerome Bixby, Executive Producer : Emerson Bixby, Executive Producer : Mark Pellington, Producer : Richard Schenkman, Producer : Eric D. Wilkinson, Original Music Composer : Mark Hinton Stewart, Director of Photography : Afshin Shahidi, Editor : Neil Grieve, Production Design : Priscilla Elliott
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