Play full Small Soldiers in Good Video Format.
Now you can Look Small Soldiers in Best Quality with duration 110 Min and was published in 1998-07-10 and MPAA rating is 123.- Original Title : Small Soldiers
- Movie title in your country : Small Soldiers
- Year of movie : 1998
- Genres of movie : Action, Adventure, Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1998-07-10
- Companies of movie : Universal Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Magyar, Español, English,
- Duration of movie : 110 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6
- Youtube ID of movie : YwIt5wagRsg
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,RU,DE,ZH,DA,ES,SV,IT,HU,TH,NL,PT,CS,
- Cast of film :Gregory Smith (Alan Abernathy), Kirsten Dunst (Christy Fimple), Denis Leary (Gil Mars), Phil Hartman (Phil Fimple), David Cross (Irwin Wayfair), Jay Mohr (Larry Benson), Kevin Dunn (Stuart Abernathy), Ann Magnuson (Irene Abernathy), Wendy Schaal (Marion Fimple), Jacob Smith (Timmy Fimple), Tommy Lee Jones (Chip Hazard), Frank Langella (Archer), Ernest Borgnine (Kip Killagin), Jim Brown (Butch Meathook), Bruce Dern (Link Static), George Kennedy (Brick Bazooka), Clint Walker (Nick Nitro), Christopher Guest (Slamfist / Scratch-It), Michael McKean (Insaniac / Freakenstein), Harry Shearer (Punch-It), Sarah Michelle Gellar (Gwendy Doll), Christina Ricci (Gwendy Doll)
Film plot of Small Soldiers :
Learn to Small Soldiers in Top Quality with movie synopsis "When missile technology is used to enhance toy action figures, the toys soon begin to take their battle programming too seriously." in High Definition Format. Learn to Small Soldiers in Good Quality
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Screenplay : Ted Elliott, Screenplay : Terry Rossio, Screenplay : Gavin Scott, Screenplay : Adam Rifkin, Music : Jerry Goldsmith, Director of Photography : Jamie Anderson, Editor : Marshall Harvey, Producer : Michael Finnell, Executive Producer : Walter F. Parkes, Producer : Colin Wilson, Director : Joe Dante, Animation : Chuck Duke
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