Top Disturbing Behavior in HD Video.
Now you can Enjoy Disturbing Behavior in Good Video Format with duration 82 Min and was published in 1998-07-24 plus MPAA rating is 21.- Original Title : Disturbing Behavior
- Movie title in your country : Disturbing Behavior
- Year of movie : 1998
- Genres of movie : Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1998-07-24
- Companies of movie : Village Roadshow Pictures, Beacon Communications, Hoyts Film Partnership, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Behavioral Problem Productions Ltd.,
- Countries of movie : Australia, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 82 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.9
- Youtube ID of movie : lkD9h0zk9n0
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,ES,FR,PL,
- Cast of film :James Marsden (Steve Clark), Katie Holmes (Rachel Wagner), Nick Stahl (Gavin Strick), Steve Railsback (Officer Cox), Bruce Greenwood (Dr. Edgar Caldicott), William Sadler (Newberry), Katharine Isabelle (Lindsay Clark), Derek Hamilton (Trent), Terry David Mulligan (Mr. Clark), Susan Hogan (Mrs. Clark), Ethan Embry (Allen Clark), Tobias Mehler (Andy), Tygh Runyan (Dickie Atkinson), Crystal Cass (Lorna), Carly Pope (Abbey)
Movie synopsis of Disturbing Behavior :
Watch full Disturbing Behavior in High Definition Format with film plot "Steve Clark (James Marsden) is a newcomer in the town of Cradle Bay, and he quickly realizes that there's something odd about his high school classmates. The clique known as the "Blue Ribbons" are the eerie embodiment of academic excellence and clean living. But, like the rest of the town, they're a little too perfect. When Steve's rebellious friend Gavin (Nick Stahl) mysteriously joins their ranks, Steve searches for the truth with fellow misfit Rachel (Katie Holmes)." in Top Quality. Watch full Disturbing Behavior in Best Look
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Director : David Nutter, Screenplay : Scott Rosenberg, Producer : Armyan Bernstein, Producer : Jonathan Shestack, Original Music Composer : Mark Snow, Director of Photography : John S. Bartley, Editor : Randy Jon Morgan, Visual Effects : Richard Trus
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