Review Cloud Atlas Full Film.
Watch Movie Cloud Atlas For Free with duration 172 Min and broadcast on 2012-10-26 plus MPAA rating is 1464.- Original Title : Cloud Atlas
- Movie title in your country : Cloud Atlas
- Year of movie : 2012
- Genres of movie : Drama, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2012-10-26
- Companies of movie : Cloud Atlas Productions, X-Filme Creative Pool, Anarchos Productions, ARD Degeto Film, Ascension Pictures, Dreams of Dragon Picture, Five Drops, Media Asia Group,
- Countries of movie : Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 172 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.5
- Youtube ID of movie : 6kkLxrhYxnc
- Actors of movie :Tom Hanks (Dr. Henry Goose / Hotel Manager / Isaac Sachs / Dermot Hoggins / Cavendish Look-a-Like Actor / Zachry), Halle Berry (Native Woman / Jocasta Ayrs / Luisa Rey / Indian Party Guest / Ovid / Meronym), Jim Broadbent (Captain Molyneux / Vyvyan Ayrs / Timothy Cavendish / Korean Musician / Prescient 2), Hugo Weaving (Haskell Moore / Tadeusz Kesselring / Bill Smoke / Nurse Noakes / Boardman Mephi / Old Georgie), Jim Sturgess (Adam Ewing / Poor Hotel Guest / Megan's Dad / Highlander / Hae-Joo Chang / Adam / Zachry Brother-in-Law), DooNa Bae (Tilda / Megan's Mom / Mexican Woman / Sonmi-451 / Sonmi-351 / Sonmi Prostitute), Ben Whishaw (Cabin Boy / Robert Frobisher / Store Clerk / Georgette / Tribesman), Keith David (Kupaka / Joe Napier / An-kor Apis / Prescient), James D'Arcy (Young Rufus Sixsmith / Old Rufus Sixsmith / Nurse James / Archivist), Zhou Xun (Talbot / Hotel Manager / Yoona-939 / Rose), David Gyasi (Autua / Lester Rey / Duophsyte), Susan Sarandon (Madame Horrox / Older Ursula / Yusouf Suleiman / Abbess), Hugh Grant (Rev. Giles Horrox / Hotel Heavy / Lloyd Hooks / Denholme Cavendish / Seer Rhee / Kona Chief), Robert Fyfe (Old Salty Dog / Mr. Meeks / Prescient 1), Martin Wuttke (Mr. Boerhaave / Guard / Leary the Healer), Zhu Zhu (Megan Sixsmith / 12th Star Clone), Robin Morrissey (Young Cavendish), Brody Nicholas Lee (Javier Gomez / Jonas / Zachry's Older Nephew), Amanda Walker (Veronica), Raevan Lee Hanan (Little Girl with Orison at Papa Song's / Catkin / Zachry Relative), Götz Otto (Groundsman Withers), Mya-Lecia Naylor (Miro), Niall Greig Fulton (Haskell Moore's Dinner Guest / Mozza Hoggins), Louis Dempsey (Haskell Moore's Dinner Guest / Jarvis Hoggins), Martin Docherty (Haskell Moore's Dinner Guest / Eddie Hoggins), Alistair Petrie (Haskell Moore's Dinner Guest / Musician / Felix Finch / Lascivious Businessman), Sylvestra Le Touzel (Haskell Moore's Dinner Guest / Nurse Judd / Aide in Slaughtership)
Movie summary of Cloud Atlas :
Apply Cloud Atlas in HD Quality with film synopsis "A set of six nested stories spanning time between the 19th century and a distant post-apocalyptic future. Cloud Atlas explores how the actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another throughout the past, the present and the future. Action, mystery and romance weave through the story as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero and a single act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution in the distant future. Based on the award winning novel by David Mitchell. Directed by Tom Tykwer and the Wachowskis." in High Definition Format. Review full Cloud Atlas in High Definition Format
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Producer : Alexander Rodnyansky, Supervising Art Director : Stephen O. Gessler, Supervising Art Director : Kai Koch, Supervising Art Director : Charlie Revai, Art Department Coordinator : Robert Blasi, Property Master : Simon-Julien Boucherie, Set Designer : Stephen Bream, Propmaker : Holger Delfs, Property Master : Jim Elliott, Property Master : Michael Fechner, Propmaker : Alex Friedrich, Set Designer : Patrick Herzberg, Propmaker : Simon Weisse, Prop Maker : Peter Muehlenkamp, Set Designer : Tarnia Nicol, Prop Maker : Cindy Schnitter, Propmaker : Stefan Kolbe, Propmaker : Jacob von Dohnanyi, Construction Coordinator : Nadin Meyer, Conceptual Design : George Hull, Conceptual Design : Ed Natividad, Conceptual Design : Emmanuel Shiu, Visual Effects Producer : Michael Brink, Visual Effects Producer : Earle Stuart Callender, Visual Effects Producer : Brett Dowler, Visual Effects Producer : Catherine Duncan, Visual Effects Producer : Andy Foster, Visual Effects Producer : Kerstin Kensy, Visual Effects Producer : Nina Knott, Visual Effects Producer : Marc Kolbe, Costume Supervisor : Meike Schlegel, Transportation Captain : Russell D. Equi, Transportation Co-Captain : Nils Konrad, Transportation Captain : Melele Sánchez, Transportation Captain : Florian Haeger, Transportation Coordinator : Rubén Gómez, Transportation Coordinator : Pete Murphy, Transportation Coordinator : Alberto Poveda, Transportation Coordinator : Knuth Sorgers, Set Costumer : Dietke Brandt, Set Costumer : Theresa Anna Luther, Director : Andy Wachowski, Director : Lana Wachowski, Novel : David Mitchell, Screenplay : Lana Wachowski, Screenplay : Tom Tykwer, Screenplay : Andy Wachowski, Cinematography : Frank Griebe, Editor : Alexander Berner, Original Music Composer : Reinhold Heil, Original Music Composer : Johnny Klimek, Producer : Lana Wachowski, Producer : Andy Wachowski, Executive Producer : Uwe Schott, Producer : Stefan Arndt, Executive Producer : Philip Lee, Producer : Grant Hill, Producer : Tom Tykwer, Casting : Lora Kennedy, Casting : Lucinda Syson, Costume Design : Kym Barrett, Costume Design : Pierre-Yves Gayraud, Production Design : Hugh Bateup, Production Design : Uli Hanisch, Art Direction : Daniel Chour, Art Direction : Sabine Engelberg, Sculptor : Daniel Aguilarte, Art Direction : Nicki McCallum, Art Direction : David Scheunemann, Art Direction : Steve Summersgill, Set Decoration : Rebecca Alleway, Set Decoration : Peter Walpole, Director : Tom Tykwer, Boom Operator : Tom Harrison, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Lars Ginzel, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Matthias Lempert, Dialogue Editor : Simon Price, Foley : Carsten Richter, Sound Designer : Markus Stemler, Sound Editor : Alexander Buck, Visual Effects Supervisor : Angela Barson, Visual Effects Supervisor : Stephane Ceretti, Visual Effects Supervisor : Alessandro Cioffi, Visual Effects Supervisor : Tom Debenham, Visual Effects Supervisor : Matt Dessero, Visual Effects Supervisor : Russell Earl, Visual Effects Supervisor : Stephane Naze, Visual Effects Supervisor : Dominic Parker, Visual Effects Supervisor : Clark Parkhurst, Visual Effects Editor : Timo Rolle, Visual Effects Supervisor : Olcun Tan, Visual Effects Supervisor : Dominik Trimborn, Visual Effects Editor : Armand Wade, Visual Effects Editor : Sam Willing, Visual Effects Supervisor : Rainer Zöttl, Still Photographer : Reiner Bajo, Gaffer : Albrecht Silberberger, Gaffer : Helmut Prein, Steadicam Operator : Marcus Pohlus, Still Photographer : Jay Maidment, Script Supervisor : Julie Brown, Script Supervisor : Caroline Veyssière, Hairstylist : Heike Merker, Hairstylist : Paula Price, Hairstylist : Daniela Skala, Makeup Department Head : Heike Merker, Makeup Artist : Natasha Nikolic, Makeup Artist : Paula Price, Makeup Artist : Sian Richards, Makeup Artist : Daniela Skala, Wigmaker : Alex Rouse, Makeup Effects : Susan Howard, Makeup Effects : Nik Williams, Production Manager : Miki Emmrich, Production Manager : Sebastian Neitsch, Assistant Director : Terry Needham, Assistant Director : Rickie-Lee Roberts, Assistant Director : Julie Heskin, Scenic Artist : Mieke Casal, Assistant Art Director : Zoe Wight, Assistant Art Director : Stefan Speth, Assistant Art Director : Stephanie Rass, ADR & Dubbing : Steve Little, CG Supervisor : Douglas Bloom, Visual Effects Editor : Constantin Brodt, VFX Supervisor : Falk Büttner, Visual Effects Art Director : Olivier Dumont, Animation Supervisor : Simone Kraus, CG Supervisor : Blake Sweeney, CG Supervisor : Blair Tennessy, CG Supervisor : Ian Ward, Camera Operator : Christian Almesberger, Camera Operator : Florian Emmerich, Camera Operator : Sönke Hansen, Helicopter Camera : Jeremy Braben, Helicopter Camera : Steven Desbrow, Additional Camera : Isabelle Arnold, Animation : Aaron Schultz, First Assistant Editor : Toska Hartmann, Picture Car Coordinator : Tom Ehrhardt, Location Manager : Cindy Thomson, Location Manager : Maria Torrellas Paris, Studio Teachers : Judith Jennings, Unit Publicist : Moira Houlihan, Location Manager : Klaus Große Darrelmann, Location Manager : Hendrik Griesner, Location Manager : Marco Giacalone, Location Manager : Carlos Ruiz Boceta, Location Manager : Pablo Azorin
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