Review full The King of Fighters in Best Quality.
Now you can Watch full The King of Fighters in Best Quality with duration 93 Min and was published in 2010-08-26 plus MPAA rating is 10.Movie synopsis of The King of Fighters :
Amazing The King of Fighters in Best Quality with movie synopsis "The King of Fighters movie will introduce a new science fiction spin into the setting established in the games universe by following the surviving members of three legendary fighting clans who are continually whisked away to other dimensions by an evil power. As the fighters enter each new world they battle that universes native defenders, while the force that brought them seeks to find a way to invade and infect our world." in Good Quality. Full Streaming The King of Fighters in High Definition Format
- Original Title : The King of Fighters
- Movie title in your country : The King of Fighters
- Year of movie : 2010
- Genres of movie : Action, Science Fiction, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2010-08-26
- Companies of movie : Micott & Basara K.K., Inferno International, Convergence Entertainment, KOF Film Productions, Scion Films,
- Countries of movie : Canada,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 93 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.9
- Youtube ID of movie : oy-LMbfTAGQ
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,DE,ES,TH,NL,PT,HU,RU,ZH,PL,HE,
- Cast of film :Sean Faris (Kyo Kusanagi), Maggie Q (Mai Shiranui), Ray Park (Rugal), Will Yun Lee (Iori Yagami), David Leitch (Terry Bogard), Françoise Yip (Chizuru Kagura), Hiro Kanagawa (Saisyu Kusanagi), Bernice Liu (Vice), Monique Ganderton (Mature), Doug Abrahams (Mick O'Meara), Candus Churchill (Berta), Robin Nielsen (Junior Agent), Scott Patey (Scott Hana), Toshi Haraguchi (Takao Iwata), Sam Hargrave (Sam)
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Director : Gordon Chan
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