Free Streaming Flesh Gordon in Best Quality.
Now you can Play full Flesh Gordon in Best Video Format with duration 90 Min and was released on 1974-07-30 plus MPAA rating is 12.- Original Title : Flesh Gordon
- Movie title in your country : Flesh Gordon
- Year of movie : 1974
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1974-07-30
- Companies of movie : Graffiti Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 90 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.6
- Youtube ID of movie : NQSK16DsF64
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,DE,FR,HU,
- Cast of film :Jason Williams (Flesh Gordon), Suzanne Fields (Dale Ardor), Joseph Hudgins (Dr. Flexi Jerkoff), William Dennis Hunt (Kaiser Wang), Candy Samples (Chief Nellie), Mycle Brandy (Amora the Queen of Magic), John Hoyt (Prof. Gordon), Lance Larsen (Prince Precious), Damon Charles (Sex Sklave), Robert V. Greene (Narrator), Craig T. Nelson (The Monster (voice))
Movie summary of Flesh Gordon :
Play full Flesh Gordon in High Definition Format with film plot "Emperor Wang (the Perverted) is leader of the planet Porno and sends his mighty "Sex Ray" towards Earth, turning everyone into sex-mad fiends. Only one man can save the Earth, football player Flesh Gordon. Along with his girlfriend Dale Ardor and Professor Flexi-Jerkoff, they set off towards the source of the Sex Ray, unaware of the perils that face them!" in Best Video Format. Free Streaming Flesh Gordon in High Quality
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Director : Michael Benveniste, Director : Howard Ziehm, Producer : Bill Osco, Producer : Howard Ziehm, Original Music Composer : Ralph Ferraro, Director of Photography : Howard Ziehm, Editor : Abbas Amin, Art Direction : Donald Lee Harris, Costume Design : Ruth Glunt, Makeup Artist : Marcina Motter, Makeup Artist : Bjo Trimble, Visual Effects : David Allen, Screenplay : Michael Benveniste
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