Watch full Splinter in High Quality Video.
Now you can See Splinter in Best Look with duration 82 Min and has been aired on 2008-10-31 plus MPAA rating is 37.Film summary of Splinter :
Good Splinter in Top Video Format with film synopsis "When their plans for a nature trip go awry, Polly and boyfriend Seth decide to check into a motel. On their way, they're carjacked and kidnapped by low-rent crooks Dennis and Lacey, who take the victims and their SUV to a nearby gas station. Along the way, they encounter an increasingly terrifying horde of parasites, and if any of them intend to survive, they'll have to outsmart the deadly organisms." in HD Format. Best Splinter in High Quality Video
- Original Title : Splinter
- Movie title in your country : Splinter
- Year of movie : 2008
- Genres of movie : Horror, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2008-10-31
- Companies of movie : Indion Entertainment Group,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 82 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : aJndd5Eyz18
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,NL,PT,DE,ZH,HU,PL,ES,CS,RU,
- Actors of movie :Charles Baker (Blake Sherman Jr.), Jill Wagner (Polly Watt), Paulo Costanzo (Seth Belzer), Shea Whigham (Dennis Farell), Rachel Kerbs (Lacey Belisle), Laurel Whitsett (Sheriff Terri Frankel)
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... Full Splinter in High Definition Format 720p ...
Director : Toby Wilkins, Writer : Ian Shorr, Writer : Kai Barry, Producer : Kai Barry, Producer : Ted Kroeber, Executive Producer : Graham Begg, Executive Producer : Dori Begley, Executive Producer : Chad Burris, Executive Producer : Jamie Carmichael, Executive Producer : Jason Janego, Executive Producer : Tom Quinn, Original Music Composer : Elia Cmiral, Director of Photography : Nelson Cragg, Editor : David Michael Maurer, Casting : Lauren Bass, Casting : Chris Freihofer, Production Design : Jennifer Spence, Art Direction : Thomas Spence, Set Decoration : E.J. Holland, Makeup Effects : Ozzy Alvarez, Makeup Effects : Kelly Golden
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