Top Cypher in Best Quality.
Now you can Watch full Cypher in Best Look with duration 95 Min and has been launched in 2002-10-07 with MPAA rating is 40.- Original Title : Cypher
- Movie title in your country : Cypher
- Year of movie : 2002
- Genres of movie : Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2002-10-07
- Companies of movie : Miramax Films, Pandora Cinema,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Duration of movie : 95 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.4
- Youtube ID of movie : 4td2af6Eqig
- Translation of movie : EN,TR,FR,DE,RU,PT,ES,IT,NO,ZH,FI,PL,DA,CS,HU,
- Cast of film :Jeremy Northam (Morgan Sullivan), Lucy Liu (Rita Foster), Nigel Bennett (Finster), Timothy Webber (Callaway), David Hewlett (Virgil C. Dunn), Kari Matchett (Diane), Kristina Nicoll (Amy), Joseph Scoren (Digicorp Technician #1), Stephen Brown (Digicorp Technician #2), Arnold Pinnock (Pilot In Mensroom), Jocelyn Snowdon (Stewardess to Buffalo), Boyd Banks (Fred Garfield), Steve Jackson (Waiter Buffalo), Dan Duran (Buffalo Speaker #1), Valerie Buhagiar (Buffalo Speaker #2), Roberta Angelica (Stewardess to Omaha), George Santino (Rita's Agent #1), Nelson Tynes (Rita's Agent #2), Denis Akiyama (Speaker Omaha), Vickie Papavs (Desk Clerk Boise), Murray Furrow (Hotel Janitor Boise), Scott McLaren (Convention Waiter Boise), David Bolt (Speaker #1 Boise), Len Carlson (Speaker #3 Boise), Les Porter (Man In White Coat Boise), Bruce McFee (Businessman Boise), Judy Sinclair (Elderly Woman In Elevator), Shanly Trinidad (Gate 15 Clerk Boise), Anne Marie Scheffler (Stewardess Boise), Mike O'Shea (Sunways Security Guard), Andrew Moodie (Sunways Neuro Technician), Malcolm Xerxes (Sunways Technician #1), Matthew Sharp (Sunways Technician #2), Peter Mensah (Vault Security), David Bryant (Pilot #2 In Washroom), Alec Stockwell (Digicorp Technician #2), Matt Cooke (Digicorp Technician #3), Marcus Hutchings (Jamison), Sevaan Franks (Tomas Street (uncredited))
Film synopsis of Cypher :
Good Cypher in Best Look with film summary "An unsuspecting, disenchanted man finds himself working as a spy in the dangerous, high-stakes world of corporate espionage. Quickly getting way over-his-head, he teams up with a mysterious femme fatale." in HD Video. Full Cypher in High Quality Video
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Director : Vincenzo Natali, Screenplay : Brian King, Executive Producer : Shebnem Askin, Producer : Paul Federbush, Executive Producer : E.K. Gaylord II, Producer : Wendy Grean, Producer : Casey La Scala, Producer : Hunt Lowry, Original Music Composer : Michael Andrews, Director of Photography : Derek Rogers, Editor : Bert Kish
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